Gann ka gyan is formed for making awareness in India about trading. There are only 4% to 5% of Indians are involved in Stock or Commodity Trading, where as in other countries the percentage (%) is up to 46%. Even though we have the lesser percentage (%) of trade interest India have a very huge investment in Stock & Commodity trading.
Most of the people who do not do trading or do not understand trading, they name it as a gambling. But at Gann ka gyan we will teach you the art of trading, so that you will not treat it as gambling and you can learn the art of investment.
For education as we must go to school. Like that before entering to trading of stocks & commodities we must get trained. No one can train you 100% but yes, they can train you to sustain in the market and do safe trading.
There are many trading educators online & offline who charges very big money for teaching. But how to choose the good or the best? This becomes a big question for the new traders.
At Gann ka gyan we teach people how they can become a good trader. We do not give any tip or guide people to trade on what we say. We teach people how they can do a safe trade, so that they will not lose money & also not have a feedback that trading is “Gambling”.
Gann ka gyan is formed with many hands joining together to spread the awareness that how trading can become a source of income. We have one of the best team of trainers who are there in the live market from over 10-12 years. And they did many kinds of research on many legendary traders around the world.
As we all know in today’s competitive world we cannot learn everything. And learning trading is a SEA size subject. So, we thought to simplify it and find people who have the same thinking pattern. And after 2-3 years of search and connectivity we have found the team of thinkers who think same and they are ready to teach at any time.
So, what next? We have planned for Gann ka gyan.
We also did research on W.D.Gann who was known as a legendary and most successful trader of all time. Gann had over 92% of successful trades in life time, that to from late 1913 to 1956, time when there was no such high technology was there, no computer, no internet. Only there was a physical trading. And in that time also W.D. Gann could do such a successful trading, and all based on his manual calculation, Hand drawn charts, Astrology and Astronomy knowledge and what not.
So, after doing research on W.D. Gann we though to name the website on him.